Out of the many brands developing digital content, one stands out: Pragmatic Play. Its rapid growth in the industry can be attributed to how they make their slots. Each of their games is interesting, original, and high-quality that catches the appeal of an online casino.
Paired up with a growing fan base, the government licensing their games, and a solid team with experienced staff, this company is making waves. Below is a look at how they use these resources to their advantage to make fun online slots.
Because of Pragmatic Play’s well known brand, you’ll find their slots in various online US. Like all other games, you can download them or play them on your browser to win real money. The download feature is particularly interesting though as the content is actually low in weight. This means for players, it doesn’t take long to download the game.
On top of that, players can enjoy 3-5 reel slot games on smartphones and tablets and not worry about the games taking up too much space. This can be key for players as one can download more games from Pragmatic Play compared to other brands.
What also makes Pragmatic Play so interesting with this feature is another staple to their games are the numerous user settings. When you play online or on your smart device, Pragmatic Play gives players full control over how you want to play the game.
On top of all of this, the company is in a partnership with BetSoft Gaming. This makes it clear that they are releasing high quality content online well worth your real money.
Pragmatic Play Online Slots
Digging deeper into Pragmatic Play’s products, we’ll find their games to have other similarities. Each game ropes players to spend real money via colourful characters and designs. It also helps that both animation and drawings are of the highest level. Paired with high speed and no interruptions during gameplay, you have yourself quality games you can spend real money on.
As mentioned above, Pragmatic Plays offers both 3 reel and 5 reel slots for players. They are all bright and offer diversity too. Examples are popular or favourite subjects, jewels, mythical stories, amongst other original themes.
In terms of real money potential, the games vary with a number of pay lines. Furthermore, the company has progressive jackpots on most of their games. This allows players opportunities to win generous amounts of real money.
Pragmatic Play Mobile Slots
Mobile games are still relatively new, but companies aren’t always the most transparent. Examples of companies that aren’t always clear with regards to games is game vendors like Novomatic or Betsoft Gaming.
Fortunately, Pragmatic Play isn’t the type to do that. If they have a game for mobile, they’ll tell their players. When looking to download their games to mobile, you’ll find plenty of info the company provides to the player. Things like main features, volatility, and even RTP. This helps determine whether players will enjoy spending real money on the game.
This is a good step in the right direction but it’s not perfect. Some of the themes for their mobile games are a tad unoriginal. Still, they craft them well and some might even surprise you.
Examples of good mobile games are: 7 Monkeys, 7 Piggies, Asgard, Caishen’s Cash, Egyptian Fortunes, and Extra Juicy.
Pragmatic Play Casino Games
Pragmatic Play has also been working diligently in the casino games section as well. While they have typical casino games like Baccarat, Roulette and Blackjack, they are a bit different. The most notable aspect is their casino games are actually broadcast live.
This breaks from the mold of traditional casino games to provide you with a different experience you can spend real money on. Pragmatic Play has also done two other things to set them apart: Bingo integration and implementing auto roulettes.
While their auto roulette is still in development, their bingo casino game is unique. It still has familiar elements that bingo players know and love, but provide additional experiences.
These additional experiences take on the form of the bingo game being integrated in their online US. This allows players to easily access these games easily and win real money.
Across table casino games, bingo, scratchcards, live US, and slots, Pragmatic Play is one of the top providers around the world. The company takes steps and bounds to provide different ideas to familiar games while also modernizing them in various ways.
Their goal is to build a multi-product portfolio with regulated, and mobile-focused games. Paired with good designs, and their games being available online and on mobile, their popularity is growing.
Because of this popularity, Pragmatic Play can legally offer their slot and casino games in more than 20 jurisdictions. Pragmatic Play has also won multiple awards on their products as a sign of high quality. The company has well over 80 games, allowing customers to select from a variety.